Über den Autor

Soenke Herzog

Orale Chirurgie/Implantologie, Malte Herzog · Dr. Manfred Herzog
Ludwigstraße 16
63110 Rodgau


  • 2001–2006: Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main
  • 2006–2009: in Oralchirurgischer Praxis in Mörfelden tätig
  • seit 2010: niedergelassen in Rodgau mit Vater Dr. M. Herzog und Bruder Malte Herzog in ihrer Gemeinschaftspraxis für moderne Zahnheilkunde
  • Nach zweijährigem berufsbegleitendem Studium wurde ihm 2010 der Titel „Master of Science“ für Orale Chirurgie/Implantologie (MSc) verliehen.
  • Seit 2010 ist Soenke Herzog auch als Referent tätig.
  • Seit 2011 ist er regelmäßig in anderen Praxen implantologisch tätig („flying doc“).

Integration of teeth in implant-supported removable dentures with Atlantis Conus abutments: A case report



The object of this presentation is to demonstrate the established Atlantis Conus Abutment-Overdenture (OD) system as a very important and useful therapeutic option for the prosthodontic restoration of the partially or completely edentulous patients. The Atlantis Conus Abutments are individually designed using the patented Atlantis VAD (Virtual Abutment Design) software. This ensures that all abutments and integrated teeth are parallel to each other.

Material and methods

When the patient presented himself in our dental practice, he has three remaining teeth in the upper jaw and one tooth in the lower jaw. In order to include the remaining teeth in the prosthodontic concept, he was treated with three Ankylos implants in the upper and four Ankylos implants in the lower jaw. We followed a delayed protocol with prosthodontic restoration after a four-month healing period post implantationem. In the presented case we used the Atlantis Conus Abutments together with prefabricated SynCone caps for the implants and gold telescopic crowns for the teeth in order to achieve optimal friction.

Bildergalerie (24)


  1. Romanos GE, May S, May D. Treatment concept of the edentulous mandible with prefabricated telescopic abutments and immediate functional loading. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2011;26 (3): 593–597.
  2. Eccellente T, Piombino M, Piattelli A, D'Alimonte E, Perrotti V, Iezzi G. Immediate loading of dental implants in the edentulous maxilla. Quintessence Int. 2011 Apr;42(4):281–9.
  3. Rammelsberg P, Bernhart G, Bermejo JL, Schmitter M, Schwarz S. Prognosis of implants and abutment teeth under combined tooth-implant-supported and solely implant-supported double-crown-retained removable dental prostheses. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2014 Jul;25(7):813–8.


Using the Atlantis Conus Abutments facilitates the integration of remaining teeth in a telescopic prosthesis because the virtual planning of the abutments ensures that all abutments and integrated teeth are on a parallel axis. The result is perfect friction of the overdenture. Using prefabricated telescopic SynCone caps is economical and convenient at the same time combined with the wearing comfort of a fixed bridge. As far as oral hygiene is concerned, the Ankylos SynCone concept is extremely patient-friendly. The implant supported telescopic prosthesis is very simple to handle and it can be removed easily for cleaning by older patients with limited manual dexterity. Due to the extraordinary stability, the users are satisfied and the prosthodontic concept has been a great success. Telescopic prostheses make it possible to integrate existing teeth and implants into the dental prosthesis and thus improve tactility.